04 Mar, 2020

Trevor Paglen in Machine Landscapes

Alum Trevor Paglen contributed to architectural theory journal, Machine Landscapes: Architectures of the Post Anthropocene, for its February 2019 issue. The issue was guest edited by Liam Young.

According to its description:

We are said to be living in a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, in which humans are the dominant force shaping the planet. This collection of spaces, however, more accurately constitutes an era of the Post-Anthropocene, a period where it is technology and artificial intelligence that now computes, conditions and constructs our world. Marking the end of human-centred design, the issue turns its attention to the new typologies of the post-human, architecture without people and our endless expanse of Machine Landscapes.

Neural, a critical digital culture and media arts website, reviewed the issue. It notes that Trevor Paglen's images that "look at us" are "stellar." It adds:

It is extremely well edited and developed around a solid concept, epitomised by the data centre. The aesthetic appeal of the latter has been explored by various artists over the past decade,

If you'd like to see the issue for yourself, you can buy a copy here.