24 Feb, 2020

Abigail De Kosnik and Clement Hil Goldberg in Social Memory, Cultural Movements, and Digital Media

"Trans Memory as Transmedia Activism" by BCNM Director Abigail De Kosnik and alum Clement Hil Goldberg, Julia Havard and Paige Johnson was recently published! The piece was published as a chapter in Social Memory, Cultural Movements, and Digital Media in Palgrave Macmillan this year.

About the book:

This collected volume is the first to study the interface between contemporary social movements, cultural memory and digital media. Establishing the digital memory work practices of social movements as an important area of research, it reveals how activists use digital media to lay claim to, circulate and curate cultural memories. Interdisciplinary in scope, its contributors address mobilizations of mediated remembrance in the USA, Germany, Sweden, Italy, India, Argentina, the UK and Russia.

The book is available as an e-book and for order here.