07 Jan, 2019

Jacob Gaboury at SLSA 2018

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts took place in Toronto, Canada from November 15th-18th, 2018, hosted by the University of Waterloo and York University. The theme "Out of Mind" questioned the "thinkable": "If the 2017 SLSA meeting indexed the fact that “anthropos is constituted by temporalities that are in excess of it,” our 2018 gathering will double down on this position to ask after the conditions, preclusions, and exclusions that make it thinkable in the first place. And really, what does ‘thinkability’ even mean today, when so many of our experiences—political and otherwise—seem unthinkable?"

Jacob Gaboury, Assistant Professor in Film & Media, presented "Screens Shot: Mediating the Interactive Interface" in a panel on the "Unstable Surface" with Shane Denson, James W. Malazita, and Patrick Keilty.

You can read more about Jacob's research at https://jacobgaboury.com/