Ken Goldberg in IEEE Transactions in Automation Guest Editorial
Ken Goldberg was featured in the "Guest Editorial Open Discussion of Robot Grasping Benchmarks, Protocols, and Metrics" in volume 15 of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. There were 20 other authors from various universities such as Colombia and Yale University that also contributed to the document.
Read the abstract of the work below:
Automated grasping has a long history of research that is increasing due to interest from industry. One grand challenge for robotics is Universal Picking: the ability to robustly grasp a broad variety of objects in diverse environments for applications from warehouses to assembly lines to homes. Although many researchers now openly share code and data, it is challenging to compare and/or reproduce experimental results to identify which aspects of which approaches work best due to variations in assumptions and experimental protocols, e.g., sensors, lighting, robot arms, grippers, and objects
The full text can be found here. [link no longer available]