Alex Saum-Pascual on #PostWeb at Bergen
Following her electronic literature in Spanish presentation and her Digital Poetry Reading, Alex Saum-Pascual continued her residency at the University of Bergen with a presentation on her forthcoming book, #Postweb! Crear con la máquina y en la red or #Postweb! Writing with machines and in the web.
The presentation discussed the role of digital technologies in recent literary experimentation in Spain throughout the last two decades and looked at printed books where their digital conception has left a traceable, literary, mark (recent novels and poetry by Vicente Luis Mora, Jorge Carrión, Agustín Fernández Mallo, Robert Juan Cantavella and Javier Fernández), as well as born-digital objects living online (Belén Gache’s digital poetry, blog novels, and performances and Doménico Chiappe’s hypertextual novels).
Her visit to the University of Bergen was made possible through the Peder Sather Cooperation grant between UiB Digital Culture and the Berkeley Center for New Media and Digital Humanities at Berkeley.