
Ken Goldberg at Michigan School of Information

03 May, 2018

Ken Goldberg at Michigan School of Information

BCNM's Ken Goldberg travelled to the University of Michigan's School of Information last month to be a participant in a "MISC Talk." MISC stans for Michigan Interactice and Social Computing, a research group that "connects researchers studying human-computer interaction, social computing, and computer-supported cooperative work across the University of Michigan."

Read more about the event here.

Ken Goldberg teaches and supervises research in Robotics, Automation, and New Media. Ken holds dual degrees in Electrical Engineering and Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University. He joined the UC Berkeley faculty in 1995 and is Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, with secondary appointments in EECS, the School of Information, Art Practice, and the UCSF Dept of Radiation Oncology. Ken and his co-authors published over 200 peer-reviewed technical papers on algorithms for robotics, automation, and social information filtering, and he holds eight U.S. patents. Ken's art installations, based on his research, have been exhibited internationally. Ken has co-written three award-winning Sundance documentary films, "The Tribe", "Yelp", and "Connected: An Autoblogography of Love, Death, and Technology."