25 Apr, 2018

New Selfie Poetry about Maternity & Software from Alex Saum-Pascual

Alex Saum-Pascual has a recent piece uploaded onto newhive about maternity and its relation to software, titled "bio data matter."

In her video, Saum-Pascual mentions Warren Sack — one of our 2017-2018 HTNM speakers — and his idea about software coming out of the arts. She grapples with his proposal to think about abduction within the field, which leads her to conjure up "TIEMPO Y LOOP." Saum-Pascual talks further about Kristeva and feminine temporalities.

At the end, she cites a statistic about how, during the process of creating a child inside the body, the mother loses 30% of her gray matter — linking it back to the title of her very piece.

This video is overlayed with other images in the background, such as the word "MATERNITY" in a text editor with a blinking cursor. Behind that, is a graffiti wall with the phrase "PUTA BIG DATA."

Experience Saum-Pascual's poem for yourself on newhive here.