KC Forcier at SCMS 2018
Kaitlin Forcier, a graduate student in the Film & Media Department at the University of California, Berkeley, attended the Society for Film and Media Studies Annual Conference in Toronto, Canada. The conference took place from March 14-18, in which Forcier was a presenter.
The Spring 2018 BCNM Conference Grant helped cover Forcier's costs of attending a premier conference in her field.
In her own words:
With support from BCNM, from March 14-18 I attended the Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference in Toronto. In a paper entitled “Distant Vision: An Archaeology of the Videophone,” I presented preliminary archival research on 1970s British Telecom videophones, theorized through the lens of a body of 1970s video art interrogating the medium-specific qualities of video, particularly how the medium relates to issues of communication and embodiment.
The conference was attended by almost two thousand film and media scholars from all over the world, at all stages of their careers. In addition to affording me specific feedback on my research, as such a comprehensive gathering of film and media scholars, SCMS is a valuable opportunity to gain a sense of the state of the field and to speak with other graduate students and scholars conducting similar research.