Bonnie Ruberg Receives Inclusiveness Excellence Spirit Award at UCI
We're thrilled to share that alum Bonnie Ruberg, along with Ph.D. student Amanda Cullen, received the Inclusive Excellence Spirit Award for their work in promoting equity, diversity and inclusion by diversifying esports. It's particularly fantastic to see our alumni not only produce great scholarship, but also work towards equity and inclusion in their fields!
From a UCI article on the award:
"Ruberg and Cullen applied for the award to support their efforts to better diversify livestreaming at the Esports Arena. In the application, Ruberg argues that livestreamers are the “faces of video games” at UCI, so she and Cullen hope to “promote a broader culture of diversity around video games” by developing “resources for women, LGBTQ folks and people of color who livestream.” They plan to study factors contributing to the lack of diversity in livestreaming at the Esports Arena and, based on the study’s findings, organize events that promote inclusivity in livestreaming.
"Ruberg concludes the award application by saying that “with the help of the Office of Inclusive Excellence and the Inclusive Excellence Spirit Award, we have the opportunity to enact real and immediate change as the presence of competitive gaming at our institution grows.”
Read the rest of the article and more from UCI Informatics here.