28 Aug, 2012

William Gibson in conversation with Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley

The JCC of San Francisco with the Cal Academy of Sciences presents: William Gibson in conversation with Ken Goldberg

September 4, 2012, 7pm
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
3200 California Street (at Presidio)

BCNM Executive Committee member, Ken Goldberg will be speaking with William Gibson, author of groudbreaking cyberpunk novel "Neuromancer."

Gibson is one of our greatest contemporary science fiction writers. Author of the groundbreaking cyberpunk novel Neuromancer, Gibson described the Internet before it existed and coined the term
“cyberspace.” His first collection of nonfiction writings, Distrust That Particular Flavor, offers provocative insights on key topics from Future Fatigue to the Sundance Film Festival.

"Gibson pulls off a dazzling trick. Instead of predicting the future, he finds the future all around him, mashed up with the past, and reveals our own domain to us." – New York Times

Join us for the evening and submit your own suggestions for questions for William Gibson, and read and rate questions others have submitted: http://opinion.berkeley.edu/gibson
