26 Sep, 2012

Data & Democracy Initiative - Prop 30 Awareness

Everyone in California, from students to CEO's, should know about Proposition 30 on the November 2012 Ballot. If passed, Prop 30 will temporarily increase sales tax by 0.25% and incrementally increase income tax on households earning more than $250,000. If not passed, a multi-billion dollar cut in state funding to education at all levels will be triggered automatically.

The UC Berkeley CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative has launched a social media experiment related to CA Proposition 30. It's open now and we welcome you to participate.

Just visit the website, click "I'm Aware" to generate a unique link, and then tweet or email something like this to your students and friends:

"Help study Rapid Mobilization of CA Prop. 30 Awareness at http://tinyurl.com/prop30p

You can visit the website anytime with your email address to view your unique link and to see a graph of your own influence as it unfurls!"

Influence is computed using the Kleinberg and Raghavan algorithm.

More information on the project from the UC Berkeley News Center can be found here.