29 Nov, 2012

Berkeley Center for New Media Seeking Webmaster

The Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) is seeking a UC Berkeley student with the talent and interest to support the development of the BCNM website's design and functionality. Experience in web design with skills in Wordpress and PHP is essential. Familiarity with JavaScript, XML, MySQL, and UNIX commands also helpful. In addition to web design and development responsibilities, candidate should be available for weekly meetings with staff supervisor, and on an on-call basis in case of site emergency. Excellent opportunity for a person looking for meaningful contact with people and activities of this growing interdisciplinary center. The position is 2-5 hours per week, Work Study preferred.

BCNM critically analyzes and helps shape developments in new media from cross-disciplinary and global perspectives that emphasize humanities and the public interest. As a center actively engaged at the intersection between art/design, humanities, and information technology, BCNM serves as a focal point for unconventional thinking from a diverse community of over 100 affiliated faculty, advisers and scholars from over 30 UC Berkeley departments.

Send a one paragraph description of your skills and experience, along with a resume, to nora.bcnm [​at​] berkeley.edu.