14 Oct, 2014

Image as Location – John Scott's "Moferguson" at the Virtual Relocation Exhibit

Congratualtions to BCNM DE John Scott for having his work, "Moferguson", be selected for the Virtual Relocation exhibition sponsored by New Hive at the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco as part of Image as Location. "Moferguson" is a 'giftych' of images compiled from the St. Louis Dispatch's coverage of the ongoing controversy and protests in Ferguson, Missouri.

The exhibition will run until October 24th and has an opening reception this Thursday, October 17th where you can see John Scott's work in person along with the other remixed and digitized pieces on display. BCNM is also participating in the Image as Location festival, with a conference October 22nd at Sutarja Dai Hall exploring the relationship between images and how they shape our understanding and conceptualization of the world around us.