03 Mar, 2015

Bonnie Ruberg Discusses Queerness and Games

BCNM DE Bonnie Ruberg discusses queerness and videogames as well as the UC Berkeley Queerness and Games Conference in this article from First Person Scholar. She has served as the guest editor for a series of four issues of the online journal, which publishes dynamic critical writing on games. In Bonnie's introduction, "Video Games, Queerness, and Beyond," she makes a case for the importance of talking about queerness when we talk about games.

The full list of articles across the four issues include BCNM Designated Emphasis candidates Bonnie, Chris Goetz, and alumnus Margaret Rhee:

- Bonnie Ruberg, “Video Games, Queerness, and Beyond”
- Naomi Clark and Merritt Kopas, “Queering Human-Game Relations”
- Christopher Goetz, “Building Queer Community”
- Jetta Ray, “Consent, Pinball, and the End of ‘Sex as Conquest’”
- Mohini Dutta, “Designing for the Other”
- Margaret Rhee, “On Beauty: Gamers, Gender, and Turing”
- Edmond Chang, “Cards Against Humanity: Playing Up and Playing with Difference in Games”