15 Apr, 2015

Celebrate the Internet in Honor of Tax Season

BCNM executive committee member and Deputy Director of the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), Camille Crittenden asks us to celebrate the internet in honor of the tax season on this blog post. In the article, Camille tells the story of the public-private partnership that created the internet and details how public investment in this field is necessary.

From the post:
"Benjamin Franklin famously quipped about the only two certainties in life: death and taxes. Tax policy, a reflection of social values and priorities, is inherently contentious in a state as large and diverse as California, much less the United States overall. Although most taxpayers agree on the necessity of collective contributions to services like schools, roads and emergency response, other areas of public investment are more disputed: prisons, military spending or access to health care. Setting aside these debates, if you've used the Internet today, whether for shopping, social networking, or research, take a moment to appreciate that public investment--our tax dollars--made these activities possible."
Read more.