29 Jun, 2015

Fluxx Featured on AdaFruit

In Spring 2015 as part of Eric Paulos' Critical Making class, Xio Alvarez, Oscar Segovia, Sangeetha Alagappan, Lia Johnson, and Jonathan Eng created Fluxx, a wearable wristband aimed at helping young patients work with their team of doctors through game-based play. Last week, their creation, which "fills the hospital with heroes," was featured on AdaFruit's Wearable Wednesdays. The article offers some great insight into how Eric's students used the design thinking he taught in class to brainstorm ways to make kids in hospitals feel more connected and less afraid. Blood tests are rewarded with badges, interactions can increase power, and data is stored to assist nurses in their rounds. AdaFruit is excited to see this open source platform developed and implemented in hospitals around the country and we agree — Fluxx can't come soon enough! Can't wait to see what new projects this team imagine next!