Tech Award Dispatches: Félix Treviño
This year, the BCNM awarded five new media graduate students with technology services and training awards to help them fund the support they need to further their research agendas. Here's what Félix Treviño gained from the experience!
I attended to the Digital Humanities Sumer Institute at the University of Victoria, Canada. I took the courses "Out-of-the-Box Text Analysis for the Digital Humanities", taught by David Hoover, and "Introduction to Electronic Literature in DH: Research and Practice", by Dene Grigar and Davin Heckman. During the first, I learned how to use some statistical tools to do text analysis. We focused mainly in the use of Minitab and Excel as tools to determine authorship through the analysis of word frequencies. In the second course, I got to know some of the emblematic electronic literature pieces and it's characteristics. I also had to opportunity to get to know how some of these works are made. I worked specifically in understanding the construction of pieces like the Stir Fry Texts, by Jim Andrews.