30 Jan, 2017

Robotics Manufacturing Consortium Awarded Department of Defense Funding

Congratulations to the Advanced Robotics Manufacturing (ARM) Innovation Hub, which received an astounding $253 million in Department of Defense funding! UCB's Berkeley Engineering is a key partner in this national consortium, with BCNM's Ken Goldberg a part of this all-star team!

Check out the details on this great development from the wonderful Berkeley Engineering article!

Excerpts from the article below:
"On January 13, the Department of Defense announced a new $253 million Advanced Robotics Manufacturing (ARM) Innovation Hub, with Berkeley Engineering as a key partner in this national consortium.
"The Berkeley team, led by professor of mechanical engineering Tarek Zohdi, brings strengths in advanced manufacturing, computational mechanics, robotics and control to the consortium’s research and technology innovation agenda.
Joining Zohdi are team members Ruzena Bajcsy (EECS), Anca Dragan (EECS), Ken Goldberg (IEOR and EECS), Roberto Horowitz (ME), Masayoshi Tomizuka (ME), Shankar Sastry (EECS, ME and BioE) and Paul Wright (ME)."