11 Sep, 2017

Announcing Our Fall Symposium — Reply All: Free Speech in the Age of Social Media

The Berkeley Center for New Media, The Berkeley Graduate, the Graduate Assembly, and BridgeUSA will host a campus-wide symposium on October 5, 2017, marking the 53rd anniversary of the birth of Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement.

In the past year, the internet has turned its attention to Berkeley’s campus debates, and our own community has taken up new media and modes of digital expression to extend and challenge the discussion of free speech. This is a critical moment; both to the consideration of the intersection of speech, media and digital technologies on the Berkeley Campus and to the Nation as a whole.

Our day of discussion will open with an address from Carol Christ and feature a keynote from Robert Reich. It will involve a selection of panels and open discussions with faculty, students and staff addressing the history, practice, and spaces of free speech within the university.

New media and modes of digital expression are transforming our experience of, and shaping conversations around free speech. By addressing, articulating, and helping to analyze these transformations together, we seek to fulfill Berkeley’s best tradition as a community of inquiry, and contribute to a larger, complex conversation taking place on campus in the days to come.

Check back on our event page in the weeks to come as we publish our full speaker list and schedule.

Symposium Details

Thursday, October 5th, 2017
9:30 AM — 6:30 PM
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall