21 Nov, 2014

Revisited: Rights and Readerships Workshop

The Berkeley Center for New Media was thrilled to partner with Authors Alliance to host a Rights and Readerships workshop on Thursday, November 20, 2014. New media has changed the way authors are able to disseminate their work and readers are able to consume their ideas. From open access platforms and the rise of e-publishing to online courses and flipped classrooms, the shift in technology has raised new questions over copyright and fair use. Authors Alliance founding members Pamela Samuelson, Molly Van Houweling, Tom Leonard, and Executive Director Michael Wolfe, along with representatives from the California Digital Library worked with participants to navigate these new concerns. Particular attention was paid to contracts instructors sign when developing an online course, in order to ensure that the instructor retains both their intellectual property, and their ability to update the course or disassociate themselves with the project in the future. Remuneration models for this type of course investment were also discussed. The workshop also dealt heavily with fair use as academics negotiated image and movie copyright clearances in their journal articles. The Authors Alliance further outlined a new handbook that should soon be available that will assist authors in deciding when and how to renegotiate their contracts to be more favorable to ensuring their intellectual legacy, and provided resources to this end.

Check out the photos below from the event!
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