Revisited: 2015 Wikipedia Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon
Coinciding with International Women's Weekend, on Saturday, March 7, Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon helped tip the balance of content about women in the arts on Wikipedia. The event was centered at the Museum of Modern Art in New York along with over 75 satellite sites around the world, including a site at UC Berkeley. Hosted by the Berkeley Center for New Media, the Berkeley Edit-A-Thon began with the basics of Wikipedia editing for beginner editors. Over the course of the day, participants created new articles and enhanced existing entries relating to women and art. The event came about because of low female participation on Wikipedia â estimated to be around 10% â and the resulting skew of content. Wikipedia has become an enormous repository of human knowledge, and, in many ways, is a reflection of our reality. The site should therefore reflect what is true â that there are many, great female artists. Thanks to the Berkeley site's participants and the editing that occurred around the world this past weekend, Wikipedia has an expanded female editor base and now better reflects the valuable contributions women have made to the arts. See the Berkeley site's results on their meet-up page:
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