
BCNM at MLA 2022

04 Jan, 2022

BCNM at MLA 2022

Check out our faculty and alumni at this year's Modern Language Association annual conference! The theme for the year is Multilingual US.

Alex Saum-Pascual

Alex presides over Languages of the Literary Internet, featuring Cecily Raynor (McGill University), xtine burrough and Sabrina Starnaman (The University of Texas at Dallas), and Paulina Chorzewska (University of Warsaw).

More information here!

Alenda Chang

Alenda presents ‘As Though through Mud’: Multispecies Futures in Larissa Lai’s The Tiger Flu in the session Tigers, Scales, and Sexy Sutures: The Embodied Futures of Larissa Lai.

More information here!

Margaret Rhee

Margaret presents AIDS, Asians, and #IAmNotAVirus in the AIDS, COVID-19, and the Medical Humanities session which focuses on the relationship between AIDS and COVID-19. Panelists explore the fundamental axiom of the medical humanities that health disparities subtending pandemics are not simply epidemiological but also socially, politically, culturally, and narratively produced. Presentations seek to understand how AIDS might constitute a political barometer and cognitive map in thinking about rhetorical logics subtending COVID-19.

More information here!