
2016 Faculty Seed Grants

12 May, 2016

2016 Faculty Seed Grants

BCNM is pleased to announce the awards of its first ever Faculty Seed Grant. Recipients were selected by BCNM alumni. A huge thanks to Tiffany Ng and Reggie Royston, who gave up their time to chair the awards committee! Check out the projects below and look forward to a more in-depth discussion the research later this summer!

Abigail De Kosnik (TDPS) will receive $10,000 for her project TorrentMap, which will convene a research group to build a digital humanities tool that will measure P2P file sharing and the geographic spread of torrents over time. The tools created will be made freely available for other DH scholars to use. From Gail: "I am deeply honored by [our alumni's] confidence in my project, and over the course of the next year, I will aim to assemble and lead a research team that will make [them] proud. Because this grant was awarded by our former students, it means more to me than any grant I could get from an institution."

Eric Paulos (Computer Science) will receive $10,000 for his project The Making of Unmaking, which designs for the eventual deterioration and failure of 3D printed objects, so as to inspire discussion not only about the objects made but the role of making. Paulos also hopes designing for degradation will offer greater creative possibilities and encourage participation in making from new communities.

Greg Niemeyer (Art Practice) will receive $5,000 for his project Internet from the Inside Out, which builds tools to represent information from a radial perspective and will advance the conversation on aesthetics and data visualization. These tools will also be made freely available.

Ed Campion (CNMAT) will receive $5,000 for his project Sound Habitat, which will create a moveable sound installation sphere, suitable for flexible gallery, museum, and site-specific installation work.