Special Events

DH Fair: 3D Printed Replicas of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities

Special Events
18 Apr, 2019

DH Fair: 3D Printed Replicas of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities

with Rita Lucarelli
Associate Professor, Near Eastern Studies

This event is sponsored by Digital Humanities at Berkeley, D-Lab, Arts + Design, Berkeley Center for New Media, the Center for Technology and Society at the Anti-Defamation League, Digital Humanities Working Group, the Library, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, and the Visual Resources Center.

3D digital and printed replicas of various ancient Egyptian antiquities, from statues and busts to coffins, stelas and other magical objects, are becoming increasingly popular on the web as well as in museums kiosks and shops. Rita Lucarelli will discuss how the 3D models of ancient Egyptian coffins produced for the “Book of the Dead in 3D” project at UC Berkeley advances the study of ancient Egyptian heritage. This lecture is part of the Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology (AHMA) Colloquium, "Digital Humanities and the Ancient World."

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