Special Events

Visual Identities, Recorded Subjects and ‘Pant-Pages’ in Late Narratives in Spanish, from a Transatlantic Perspective

Special Events
15 Nov, 2012

Visual Identities, Recorded Subjects and ‘Pant-Pages’ in Late Narratives in Spanish, from a Transatlantic Perspective

For the past few decades, everyday communication has suffered a variety of dimensional changes. The fostering of visual media, and the widespread use of the Internet have emphasized the "iconic" qualities of distributed information. This might have had an impact the way contemporary artists and writers approach and configure the representation of their subjects, and their understanding/designing of book pages as screens. The results of this change (a mediated subject, and unique "pant-páginas," a sort of literary screen-pages) are reconstructing the narratives and literary works of the twenty-first century.

Vicente Luis Mora is a visiting professor at Brown University where he teaches Contemporary Spanish Literature and New Technologies. He has published works of fiction -- short stories such as Subterráneos (DVD, 2006, premio Andalucía Joven de Narrativa 2005), and the novels Circular 07. Las afueras (Berenice, 2007) and Alba Cromm (Seix Barral, 2010)--, as well as numerous works about contemporary literature and its relation to new media technologies --Singularidades. Ã'tica y poética de la literatura española actual (Bartleby, 2006), Pangea. Internet, blogs y comunicación en un mundo nuevo (Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2006), La luz nueva. Singularidades de la narrativa española actual (Berenice, 2007); Pasadizos. Espacios simbólicos entre arte y literatura (Páginas de Espuma, 2008, I Premio Málaga de Ensayo) and El lectoespectador. Deslizamientos textovisuales entre literatura e imagen (Seix Barral, 2012). He is author of Quimera 322 (2010), a unique editorial hoax published as number 322 of the literary magazine Quimera, and several poetry compilations —Nova (Pre-Textos, 2003), Construcción (Pre-Textos, 2005) y Tiempo (Pre-Textos, 2009). His thoughts about and contributions to contemporary literary criticism can be read at journals such as Ã'nsula, Quimera, Mercurio or Clarín, as well as various digital sources and his personal blog, Diario de Lecturas.

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